Managed Cybersecurity Services


Dark WEB ID - Dark Web Monitoring Services 


The Dark Web is a rich source for compromised user credentails, availble to anyone for a fee.  These credentials are frequently discovered through sophisticated phishing atatcks.  They may be used to access corporate netowrks, systems and data.  New atatcks target social media becasue emplyees freqyuently use work credentials for them. Even if the employee is no longer associuated with the firm, old credentials never canceleld, may still provide access to corproate susyesm and supply chain partners providing healthcare, purchasing, financial and other services.

This award winning service combines human and sophisticated Dark Web intelligence with automated search capabiliites to proactively monitor the Dark Web, 24x7, for an organizations compromised or stolen employee and customer credentials.   It quickly alerts you to exploited data ( User Name, Password, Source , and PII) with daily reports so that you can quickly act to remediate current compromised passwords or delete old passwords still connected to your supply chain.  This information protects your corporate data assets and it smonthly report helps meet regularory imformation goverance requirements.   

DarkWEB ID service is available for a low monthly fee based on company employee size.  An optional Enterpise license protects enterprises of 500 or more persons by monitoring up to 5 domians and up to 5 Supply Chain partners for corproate credentials accessing the supply chain. 

For more information on this service, please call us at 713-927-7161 or email us at


Cybersecurity and Phishing Awareness Services 

Your emoployees are your cybersecurity defenses weakest link.  A single employee, clicking on a well desguised phishing email can offset all of your investments in cybersecurity services, people and products.   Integrated Platfoms offers CybersSecurity and Phishing Awareness trainiing to educate your employees and majke them a proactive partner in your firm's cybersecurity defenses.  This interactive traing helps your employee becom more aware of cybersecurity threats and how their cyber behavior can affect your company's safety.   

In addiiton, we offer a synthetic phishing attack service that periodically issues a synthetic phishing message to different subsets of your employee base to test their attentiveness to potential phishing emails.  These synthetic attacks report on the success of the attack, who opened thee message, who clicked on the links and who responded to information requests to identify employees who need further trainin to assure their awareness of cyber threats. 

For more information on these services please call us at 713-927-7161 or email us at 


Alert Logic -Security Operations Monitoring Services

AlertLogic’s 24x7 SOC provides SIEM, Security Operations Center and Governance services as a service.  Its technicians continually monitor your network for vulnerabilities, correlate logs for incident root cause definition and guide your team in problem remediation.  In addition, it provides your staff with vital reports to prove your companies compliance with the key government regulations applicable to your company. 

Whether you want us to just supplement your CyberSecurity Team with specific services, guide your cybersecurity to remediate issues, provide a 24x7 SOC team, or provide a dedicated 24x7 SOC team focused on your global secuirty operations, we can help with a tailored solution.  <Learn more> 

For more information on the suite of Security Monitoring services offered by AlertLogic, visit its website, call us at 713-928-7161 or email us at 


Trend MicroTM Managed Endpont Services:

Integrated Platforms has partnered  with Trend MicroTM  to offer 24x7 Managed Endpoint Ptrotection Services to companies that want to offload endpoint and email threat protection services from their internal IT staff.  IPI and Trend Micro's security experts work together to deliver 24x7 managed services to match your unique requirements - including email, the #1 point of entry cyber threats. 

We can offer these services under three models:

  • Worry Free Services - TrendMicro Endpont Protection
  • Worry Free Services: Advanced - TrendMicro Endpoint Protection plus Cloud Application security plus Email Security(Microsoft 365, G Suite, DropBox, box).
  • Worry Free XDR - Worry Free Services: Advanced plus EDR services for advanced, automated threat detection, isolation, remediation and immunization. 

The core product driving the Worry Free XDR Managed Services is Trend MicroTM XDR.  It  collects and correlates deep activity across multiple vectors, - email, endpoints, servers, cloud workloads and networks - enabling a level of detection and investigation that is difficult or impossible to achieve with SIEM or individual point solutions.  With a combined context, events that seem benign on their own suddenly become meaningful indicators of compromise and you can quickly contain their impact, mimimizing their severity and scope.

XDR provides a SIEM connector to forward alerts.  By correlating events from Trend Micro products, fewer, higher- confidence alerts are sent, reducing the triage effort required by security analyst.  Upon clicking on a SIEM alert, an analyst can access the XDR investigation workbench to get further visibility, conduct deeper analysis and take necessary action.


For more information on the TrendMicro EPP and EDP products undelying these services, visit TrendMicro's website or call us at 713-927-7161 or email us at 

Contact Us


New Online Website

Now you can find out everything about our services on our Website.

Integrated Platforms, Inc.

9423 Emery Hill Dr.

Sugar Land, TX 77498


Or you can reach us at:

713 927-7161


You can also use our Contact Form.



Latest News:1Q2021


Integrated Platforms now represents Cytracom, whose cloud-hosted, VOIP Unified Communications solutions deliver enterprise features to your users wherever they may be for a low monthly per-user fee.


Integrated Platforms, now represents Zayo Group, a global communications provider that delivers fiber, Direct Internet Access, dedicated connections, DDOS and other connectivity solutions.


Integrated Platforms now represents Viper and cybersecurity company whose Security Awareness Training, Endpoint Protection, Managed Endpoint XDR and Email Phishing Protection solutions provide business with comprehensive  cybersecurity solutions.


Integrated Platforms has been selected to represent TrendMicro's family of Endpoint Protection  and Endpoint Detect and Respond family of products.  TrendMicro's EDR products automate the detection and remediation of cyber threats to accelerate your enterprise's cyber health. They also offer 24x7 remote monitoring of your enterprise to help your SOC team respond quickly to complex threats.


Integrated Platforms has partnered with Zadara to provide on-demand compute and storage resources through a consumption based pricing model.  Zadara enabls you to select the type of resources you need (file, block and object) and only pay for how much you need and how long you use it. 


Integrated Platforms has partnered with KnowBe4, an industry leader in Security Awareness Training.  Its program measyures current employee security awareness,automates training, tests adoption of best practices and provides visibility on employee behavior.  
